About Patrick

Patrick was born in October 1950. He spent his formative years until 1958 in Margate on the north Kent coast. As a pre-school child Patrick spent much of his time with his maternal Grandmother. After lunch and with the fire alight in the hearth she would ask him to tell her a story which would normally revolve around his Dinky toy cars and trucks and their adventures.

In 1958 Patrick and his mother, who was an auxillary police officer specialising is French translation, moved to Folkestone.

Fast forward to junior and senior schools. He would always be top of the class writing "compostions" and won prizes for English.

At senior school, The Harvey Grammar School in Folkestone, Patrick won several prizes for English writing. After the move to The Medway Towns in 1964, he attended Chatham Technical High School for boys as it then was, which later became Chatham Grammar.

Patrick again excelled at English Literature and Language. His mentors at the Chatham school a certain Messers Amos and Gregory, who were instrument in his excelling at and again winning prizes in English.

After a period working for a contractor at the Daily Mirror working as a paste up artist, he moved to a local foundry in Rochester, where he oversaw melting and pouring of molten metals. The competition from overseas heralded the down turn in this place and Patrick was offered redundancy.

The recently introduced  HGV licence saw Patrick enter the road haulage industry using the payment from the foundry to finance the lessons and test, which in August 1972 he was awarded his Class 0ne licence.

Patrick married twice losing both wives to cancer. He published his first book 'A Long Road Home,' in 2008 and donated  £1 of each copy sold and signed to the hospice where his  second wife Mel died.

In 2013 Patrick met Sue Singer owner of singernet.co.uk and they became life partners. They reside in the quiet Kentish village of Hoo St Werburgh four miles outside the Dickensian city of Rochester.

A new book will be published. The title will be 'Welcome Home Jacky Fisher!'

This tale concerns Jacky Fisher who was born in January 1911. He serves in the tank regiment in the British Army. He is taken prison-of-war after the disaterous 'Dieppe Raid' in 1942. Read the book to experience his adventures.