Patrick is a wonderful writer

Sue Singer

My name is Caroline Lynch, CEO Caroline cleaning. Patrick Harris is a client of mine. I bought my husband Kevin a copy of Patrick's book 'A Long Road Home' for his birthday. Kevin sat and read it cover to cover.

I then bought him a copy of  Patrick's writer's group The Write Idea's anthology 'A Wealth of Words'. Patrick has 13 short stories along with the other  nine members work. I found myself reading the stories which were the individual members take on the same subjects.

I especially liked Patrick's ghost story which he wrote two versions. One was in 1st person and the other 3rd person.

Do check out 'The Journey' the story of a teenage agent embedded in a visious terrorist group.

Caroline Lynch

My name is Michael Creasey. I am the photographer responsable for the publicity shots on this site.

I've known Patrick for many years but I always look forward to a new book.

I am eagerly awaiting 'Welcome Home Jacky Fisher'. When I read 'A Long Road Home' I could not help but wish the outcome was different. I felt the character although an enemy pilot, was basically a soldier doing his best for his country. But you'll will have to read it to see what I mean.

I hope to see your thoughts.

Best wishes Michael Creasey.

Michael Creasey.

I bought the copy of 'A Long Road Home' at the Wisdom Hospice's summer fete. Patrick's wife died there in November 2008 and he donated £1 of every copy sold at a book signing to this very good cause.

I actually bought this book for my dad and got Patrick to sign it for him.

After he read it Dad said to me "That's a very good book, you should read it.".

I felt out of my comfort zone being about war and reading about a time in our history I didn't really know,

Although I don't know much about planes--except for holiday jets--I soon found myself in the first years of the Second World War when the 'Few' were battling the Nazi airforce--The Luftwaffe--and seeing how it was from the other side as the main characters set about attacking Britain.

My dad and I are looking forward to reading 'Welcome Home Jackie Fisher'.

Louise Lemon

'I have known Patrick Harris since we were both founder members of the Maidstone based writing group The Write Idea. Patrick's work excels through his vivid imagination in creating stories about the unexpected. Also his ability to create characters that live and breathe. He gets right inside the head of characters as diverse as retired military men who continue to think the world revolves under their orders, to German fighter pilots who never die. His vast knowledge of military weapons as used in different wars and campaigns helps to add essential authenticity to many of his stories. He also writes about love and loss and the human condition with empathy and truth.

I thoroughly recommend Patrick's books  and his short stories published in The Write Idea's anthology A Wealth of Words.

Patrick Harris by Susan Pope, Author of Lighter than Air.